Adventures with Oso a 4 wheel drive ex German fire truck

we have clutch!!

  Today’s news – cue fanfare………..we have a clutch!  Tomorrow we’ll test it, the truck is understandably really tough to push, if we can’t adjust  it or  it doesn’t ease up Petra will never drive the old boy!  I’m also not so sure my friendly bus depot owner went to the city, he called me late this afternoon stating “truck is ready”!! I don’t like it when things are not done in my presence,  I have lived in Central America too long to not be a tad suspicious.

The original clutch pump has been replaced with an Isuzu one. I wonder where he got it from, how well it’s going to work, how new it really is and how long it will last!?  To be fair to him we do now have  a clutch, more than I managed to achieve in a week, and a promise to revise the brakes tomorrow, if  Boss man Bartolo is there!! Until 8.00 tomorrow morning when  once more we’ll have a “mobile home” and hopefuly be that much closer to destination Peten.…..

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